Click on the titles in order to access lesson plans for each of the projects concerning depth and complexity

You can also watch the videos I sent home to parents explaining each depth and complexity icon.

How Does One Think Deeply?

We are often told to think about something more or to dig a little deeper. What exactly does that mean? How exactly does one do that? That is what this introductory lesson will seek to answer with ways you can get your brain to think with more depth.

Career Cheat Sheet

All careers have a language that is specific to the profession. These words may not mean much to someone outside of it but is used all of the time for those who are. What is a career you are interested in? What is the language of the discipline?

Evolution of Technology

The thing that never changes about technology is that it is always changing. The first airplane was more like a glider and now they have self-propelling jets. Computers that once needed an entire room to fit into, now can fit in our pockets. You will be looking at a piece of technology and analyzing how it has changed over time.

You Too Can Be a YouTube Star

When you are teaching something to someone, the details are very important. If you leave certain details out, the learner will not be able to do what you are asking them to learn. This applies to everything from tying your shoes to repairing a computer. In this project, you must choose something you feel as though you are an expert on and could teach to others.

Family Patterns

Family represents a long history of people and events. Because of this, there are patterns that naturally occur. Some of these might be number of children, where they were born, names, and others. These patterns can indicate something about the family.

Can You Judge a Book By Its Cover?

We say we shouldn’t judge a book by its cover but that is precisely what we do when we go to bookstores or the library. We have to look at the big idea captured on the cover to determine whether it is worth our effort. But how do you summarize the big idea of a book to entice others to want to read it by using only the cover of the book?

Rules of the Game

Most things in life have rules. From the video games and sports we play, to how science works and the rules of grammar, and the laws we must follow in school and in our cities. All board games have rules. The rules are there to help guide what you can do and what you cannot.

Shades of Gray

Often times there are no absolutes when it comes to an ethical issue. There may be many different perspectives that see things very different even though they are all looking at the same issue. It is not a matter of right or wrong, black or white. Instead, often times these arguments are very blurred when you look at all of the sides.

Some of the Best Questions Are Ones that Cannot Be Answered

Often in school, students are presented with questions that they are expected to find a correct answer. In life however, sometimes there is no easy answer, and there are even times when there is none. How do we cope with these unanswered questions?

In the Shoes of Another

It is often said that there are two sides to every story. In reality, there are as many sides to the story as there were people present. Yet the story is usually only told from one of these perspectives. If we want a true understanding of an historical event, we must try to understand the various perspectives of those who were there.


What causes something to be popular? Even more interesting what causes something to be popular, only to lose its popularity, and then become popular again, sometimes years later? These trends are caused by many things. If we can figure out these trends we can adapt them early or anticipate their rise. If we fail to recognize these trends we might get left in the dust.