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About Me

My name is Todd Stanley. I am the author of many teacher-education books including Project-Based Learning for Gifted Students: A Handbook for the 21st Century Classroom (2nd edition), How the Hell Do We Motivate These Kids, Promoting Rigor Through Higher Level Questioning, and my latest, A Teacher’s Toolbox for Gifted Education. I served as a classroom teacher for 18 years and am currently the Gifted Services Coordinator for Pickerington Local School District and an adjunct professor at the University of Cincinnati teaching gifted education. I also teach international students on-line through the DDC Program.

My charge as a gifted educator is to help you, the teacher, find ideas and strategies on how to best challenge your students. Too many gifted students in the world go underchallenged because many teachers do not know how because there is very little to no training in teacher education programs. This site will provide you the know-how in order to make sure your students are getting the challenge they are capable of.

Why Gifted Education Needs Champions - podcast

This podcast for Pushing Boundaries pretty much sums up my educational philosophies and the changes I would like to see happen in our schools.


  1. I graduated college the first time with a Creative Writing / History Degree and had no idea what I was going to do with it. I went back to school for my masters and spent three years as a movie theatre manager while doing so.

  2. My favorite movie of all time is Field of Dreams. I have always loved baseball and even played when I was in high school and I loved the movie so much that I actually drove to Dyersville, Iowa, where they shot the film, with my friend and we spent three days playing baseball on the field.

  3. I am still best friends with the teacher I did my student teaching under. We play poker every month with a bunch of friends and even went hiking for a week in the middle of nowhere AKA Wyoming.

  4. I have Coulrophobia meaning I am deathly afraid of clowns. When I was little I watched Poltergeist where a clown attacks a little boy and read Stephen King's book It and I have been terrified ever since

  5. I married my high school sweetheart. We met when I was a junior and she was a freshman.